The Ezi Health Platform

The Ezi Health Platform Claimed

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Our Mission “Ezi” (pronounced ehh-zee) is an Igbo root word meaning good. Often people fall subject to diseases that could have been prevented had they had access to needed resources or the right care provider. Patients, regardless of age, race, or background, should have access to medical providers that are aware of how all components of one’s life impact health outcomes. We named this platform Ezi Health to emphasize our mission: to promote health care connections that are good for all. We do this through creating spaces for people to ask health related questions and receive answers from specialists in the health and wellness field. We also do this through our online platform which has various health tips and information for those interested. Our Pillars
  1. Improving Patient-Provider Connections
  2. Facilitating Community Health Conversations
  3. Promoting Trauma Informed Care
Platform Features
  • Ezi Health Directory: our developing website contains a provider directory with specialists trained in primary care, dermatology, mental health, urology, and OB/Gyn care. One can look for providers in each category that are specialized in community health, urban health, trained in trauma informed care, and other training competencies.
  • Healthy Conversations: We believe in providing spaces where folks can ask questions about their health and receive tangible tools to practice. We partner with community organizations to co host health and wellness centered events.
  • Ezi Health Blog: we use our blog as a space to uplift medical providers and local organizations that are working hard to improve the health of community members. We also use it as a space to bring awareness to health related topics and provide tips for improved well-being.
Upcoming Events
  • Healthy Conversations About Sex: October 5th
  • Black Health Matters Symposium: November 15th
  • We love to collaborate! If you and your organization are looking to partner feel free to contact us.

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